OSEmu OSCam-EMU. Discuss everything related to Oscam-emu & OSEmu here, includes support, tutorials & downloads. Threads 376 YOU NEED TO UPDATE YOUR CARD IN ORIGINAL RECEIVER!! 1- sky uk full sd caid 0963 on oscam emu ( active: grandserver3 ) 2- sky de full.
Using a 9100s technomate card in bottom slot with ur image everything clears apart from sly sports and movies. Most other channes clear ok aprt from ssp1 to 4 and ruk pretty much tried to look everywere without asking for help have cccam/oscam installed from blue panel input box id from main menu of original box set up were do i open port 15500?
Not sure were to put N: line (cccamcfg?) and what should attributes of chmod be? Thanks for reply change the device to this device = dev/sci1 you say you have cccam installed then you must have a CCcam.cfg file in your box. Via a ftp programme go to etc folder there you will find this file. In there put the N line in & make sure you have no # in front of the N.
If you have no CCcam.cfg file in there, then open notepad in your pc & name it CCcam.cfg & then ftp it to the etc folder upon doing this right click the file & change the file permission to 644 & save. Then stop oscam & cccam. Restart oscam then cccam & see what happens. If it is does not work check that the file called config is in etc/tuxbox & give attribute 755. Then open config folder & check that the 3 files in there oscam.conf oscam.server oscam.user have attribute 644 by right clicking & changing the permission then save.
Then stop oscam & cccam. Restart oscam then cccam & see what happens. If after that it does not work post your 3 config files here mate.
As you say you have a combined oscam & cccam that is ok just restart it after doing all & see what happens mate. Which version of oscam & cccam do you have. Also 2.1.4 but what i make if sky send destroy emm to my card and cccam write this on the card??? Then card is dead! Oscam is enable to block these emm's. Oscam.server [reader] label = skyuk protocol = internal enable = 1 device = dev/sci0 caid = 0963 boxid = xxxxxxxx ( not needed as oscam can read boxid ) detect = cd mhz = 500 cardmhz = 500 ident = 0963:000000 group = 1 emmcache = 1,3,2 blockemm-g = 1 blockemm-unknown = 1 lb_weight = 101 the answer to your question is in red you are already blocking all unknown emms.
Hi Guli, Please can you help me mate? I just want to use OSCAM on it's own to read and update my two sly cards in my two readers. OSCAM is reading my cards fine but not keeping my entitlements updated. Divx dolby audio download. My files are attached - can you see what I'm doing wrong? My boxid is blanked out for obvious reasons. Hi Guli, Please can you help me mate?
I just want to use OSCAM on it's own to read and update my two sly cards in my two readers. OSCAM is reading my cards fine but not keeping my entitlements updated. My files are attached - can you see what I'm doing wrong?
My boxid is blanked out for obvious reasons.