Once upon a time back in the day I played ES3 Morrowind on my PC. Then many years later while the CDs where already busy collecting dust in my parents attic, I re-bought it during a Steam sale. I never actually got around to playing it again though. Now that I finally want to do so, I'd like to know how to best set it up regarding mods and stuff. I know there's some big graphics and sound overhaul. Something akin to the officially patch mods. A use 4GB ram patch.
Morrowind Modding History patch download link Note: Riptide's Face & Clothing Replacer is meant to work with Better Heads. This explains why you will recognize some of the BH faces on the pictures.
What else should I get? What I'm looking for is: - Better bodies, clothes, armour, etc - Magicka regeneration akin to the newer ES games - A player house to safely store stuff - Fast travel - A better journal - Better combat. There's some autohit or something I remember reading. - Whatever else quality of life, looks, etc mods I should get Please tell me where as well. Since Morrowind is rather old, not everything you use might be all conveniently lumped together at Nexus. While I disagree that vanilla Morrowind is bad, it certainly shows its age and is rough around the edges.
Returning to it after playing Skyrim was certainly a shocker. How do you feel about cliff racers? There are mods that decrease their numbers or eliminate them outright. I've never installed them, but have often had a strong urge to. There is a mod (well, probably several) that adds over 1000 NPCs to the game.
Think it is called Morrowind Comes Alive. Unnecessary, as I think most of them are just random people, so think netch herders, merchants, bar patrons etc. I liked it though because it made the world seem, well, more alive. Think that mod added companions too, if that's your thing. Crack width calculation euro code 2 shqip. The magicka regeneration thing sounds pretty sweet.
Think that's one of the better things they added in later games. And anything that improves combat is worth looking. I don't mind playing Morrowing without something to improve the fighting, but I'll readily admit that it is pretty rough.
Once upon a time back in the day I played ES3 Morrowind on my PC. Then many years later while the CDs where already busy collecting dust in my parents attic, I re-bought it during a Steam sale. I never actually got around to playing it again though.
Now that I finally want to do so, I'd like to know how to best set it up regarding mods and stuff. I know there's some big graphics and sound overhaul. Something akin to the officially patch mods. A use 4GB ram patch. What else should I get? What I'm looking for is: - Better bodies, clothes, armour, etc - Magicka regeneration akin to the newer ES games - A player house to safely store stuff - Fast travel - A better journal - Better combat.
There's some autohit or something I remember reading. - Whatever else quality of life, looks, etc mods I should get Please tell me where as well. Since Morrowind is rather old, not everything you use might be all conveniently lumped together at Nexus. Magicka regeneration is good if you want to use magic without having to rest all the time, but it does make the magic route somewhat overpowered, since spells don't miss and they give you a lot more options than physical skills, like regeneration or flight. There's also a mod to make hand-to-hand damage scale with your strength, but that makes your character very overpowered in 1-vs-1 combat once you get past the initial hurdle of leveling it up by beating up the defenseless worms - hand-to-hand kills every creature equally fast, regardless of level difference (except for undead and mechanisms) AND it stunlocks enemies super-easily.
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Major Replacers For each replacer 3 pictures featuring the same 36 NPCs are uploaded, for the sake of comparison. Local Head Replacers This section covers smaller scope replacers: the ones which only change NPCs in a specific area or affect a limited set of characters. To allow comparison with vanilla characters the pictures are divided in two: the upper part of each picture features the NPCs as they appear by default in unmodded Morrowind; and below are the same NPCs once the changes from the mod have been applied. For each local replacer 18 NPCs were randomly picked and distributed into 3 pictures (6 NPCs/picture). Unfortunately, some of the images have been lost.