Advertisement Here you will find sample SAP MM questions and mock tests for SAP MM certification that are relatively similar to the original exam. You should definitely use them during preparation for the certification, because it will help you to familiarize yourself with the exam format, test your knowledge, identify areas that require additional attention, and sometimes these sample questions are just a little bit similar to what you might encounter at the real exam. Acer aspire z3751 all-in-one.
To ensure success, SAP recommends combining education courses and hands-on experience to prepare for your certification exam as questions will test your.
SAP MM Questions for Certification Before you read these sample questions, it is necessary to make one thing crystal clear: there is absolutely no way to get SAP MM questions that will appear at the actual certification. There are several reasons why it is not possible. First, no one has access to the bank of the certification questions because they are kept in the utmost secrecy. Second, the pool of questions that SAP has is so large that, even if someone could extract some questions from the secret database, the probability of getting these SAP MM questions at the exam is extremely low because the questions are randomly selected by a computer.
Therefore, do not believe the people who try to sell you SAP MM questions and promise that after studying them you will definitely pass SAP MM certification. Advertisement During SAP MM certification you will be required to answer 80 multiple choice questions. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers. It means that you should try to answer as many questions as possible even if you are not sure what is the correct answer. You will be given 180 minutes to complete the certification. The current passing score for SAP MM certification is around 60%. Official SAP MM Certification Questions SAP Education provides official practice questions for SAP MM Certification:.
If the link does not work, try our. Free SAP MM Certification Questions Below are 80 sample questions for SAP MM certification. If you are preparing for the exam, try to answer these SAP MM questions and see how many questions you could answer correctly. Here we also posted answers to these SAP MM questions and brief explanations for each of the questions. Disclaimer: These sample SAP MM questions are for self-evaluation purposes only and do not appear on the actual certification exams.
Answering the sample questions correctly is no guarantee that you will pass the certification exam. However, it is a great way to prepare for the actual certification exams and helped many people to become certified SAP consultants. In every SAP MM question, except ‘true or false’ questions, at least one or more answers can be correct. Advertisement Material requirements planning 1. The quota arrangement usage was maintained in the material master (view MRP 2). Based on this prerequisite, during the MRP run, the system: a. Determines the sources of supply according to the source list and splits equally the lot between the various sources found; b.
Determines the sources of supply according to the quota file and assigns the procurement proposal to the relevant sources of supply; c. Allocates every lot among the various sources available in the quota file and ignores the source list; d. Determines the sources of supply according to the quota file and splits equally the lot between the various sources found 2. The “re-ordering point” procedure is: a. The moment where the material is re-ordered during MRP run; b. The safety stock level specified in the material master; c. The level of inventory which triggers material procurement if the stock level falls below this limit, this re-ordering point level is specified in the material master in the view MRP 1; d.
The minimum order quantity specified in the supplier info record 3. What setting can we use to outline flexible period lengths for MRP at the plant level?
Advertisement a. Planning time fence; b. Planning calendars; c. Planned delivery time; d. Planned orders 4.
Define the rounding profile: a. A rounding profile is used to adjust the ordered quantity; b. A rounding profile is used to increase or decrease quantity in a purchasing document; c. A rounding profile is used to adjust the order proposal quantity in the planning run according to the delivery unit of the supplier; d. A rounding profile is used to adjust the order proposal quantity in the planning run according to the production unit 5. What is the purpose of the confirmation control key: a. The sole purpose of a confirmation control key is to enable the system to create ASN for specific purchasing documents; b.