So, I've added fluff images for all of my mechs in MekHQ, getting relevant images from sarna and placing them in a custom folder labelled.
I’m starting a campaign game for MegaMek, a java client for playing battletech online. This post sets up an introduction to the fluff.
The second post will explain what MegaMek is, and the third provides campaign details and period-specific information. Post if you're interested, but also PM me. This is designed to be newbie friendly as long as you're able to read a rulebook, can commit to play on an early evening PST time schedule once or twice a week and are generally familiar with tabletop board games like battletech or warhammer. I'm looking to get between 3-6 players for a campaign and will be posting the campaign updates on a weekly basis.
What BattleTech Is Giant Robots! Feudal Tyranny!
Decaying Grandeur and Failing Technology! Pilot a 75-ton fusion-powered war machine, called a “battlemech” so you can fight other star lords over the last few spare parts for water purifiers, microwave technology and replacement ‘mech parts. BattleTech is a table-top tactical board-game with a java-based online simulator called MegaMek.
More on the rules in a later post. A BattleMech: A walking, death-dealing machine weighing between 20 to 100 tons. Battletech has been around for 20 years. There’s lots of settings. My campaign will be 3015ish.
This is roughly 300 years after the fall of the Star League, a political entity that united the majority of human-occupied space (called “The Inner Sphere”). After the First Lord and his heirs were murdered in a palace coup that sparked a long and bloody conflict between the Star League Defense Force and the forces of Stefan Amaris, the coup leader, the Star League shattered. The component realms, called “Successor States” which had joined to form the Star League quickly descended into their own bloodshed – and lost no time using chemical, biological and nuclear weapons in an attempt to end the conflict quickly. The Map: The Succession States couldn’t end the conflict quickly. Instead, they left most of the Inner Sphere a series of glassy craters. The three Succession Wars reduced planets which were once exemplars of scientific and industrial progress to subsistence-level agriculture.
Scientists, machines and the knowledge to make much of Star League-era technology were lost in three centuries of warfare. The few factories capable of producing high technology are mostly automated, with the Successor Lords barely able to reproduce or jerry-rig spare parts to keep what industry they have going.
After the mass violence of the first two Succession Wars, the third one was mostly a series of scattered raids and small conflicts. The Ares Conventions have outlawed the use of weapons of mass destruction, the destruction of vital technology such as nearly irreplacable JumpShips which take goods, people and armies between planets, and allow for surrender. Conflicts almost seem Napoleonic in character, with the battles being those of position and maneuver. Only the most fanatic forces fight to the death - most commanders will negotiate terms for surrender if it is clear they are at a disadvantage, ransoming the freedom of their men and mechs by offering money, food, or technology to their opponent. ComStar was the interstellar communications company during the height of the Star League. They have now devolved into a quasi-religious order, and closely guard the secret of Hyperpulse Generator Technology – HPGs are the only means of communicating between planets, short of sending a rare and highly valuable jumpship as a courier.
They have remained studiously neutral during the Succession Wars, and the rampaging armies have left ComStar facilities alone out of necessity. Mech regiments used to number in the hundreds (about a hundred mechs to a regiment) in rationally-organized armies. Now, armies are lucky to field a fraction of their former forces The mechs they do have pale in comparison to the technology available during the Star League. Many have idiosyncracies from centuries of makeshift repairs, such as being unable to target in certain ranges, chronically malfunctioning joints, or poor heat dissipation. A handful of mechs from the Star League, most held by ComStar as historical artifacts worthy of veneration, remain in their pristine condition, seeming like wonder-weapons for the range and power of their weapons, their speed and their highly effective armor. The player is a hereditary owner of a ‘mech. His family of mechwarriors enjoy all the privileges of royalty as skilled pilots and the owner of a rare commodity.