Uk postcode generator. BCT ME10-Manager Integration Module for OneSpace Designer Drafting/ME10 In order to support a controlled migration from OneSpace Designer Drafting / ME10 to a new CAD system and Teamcenter the safest approach is to import this data into Teamcenter so that it is available for future use. Computer-Aided Design. CoCreate Technical Support Integration Update. If you would like to file a call about the product 'ME10', you would select 'CoCreate.
ME-10 to DXF Mass Translation Service Product End of Life Effective July 1, 2005 Artwork has stopped development on all ME-10 related translators and viewers. New orders will only be accepted for the current versions and no support contracts will be accepted for new orders and no support contracts will be renewed.
ME-10 to DXF Mass Translation Service We at Artwork Conversion Software are specialists in batch translations of ME-10 files into other formats, including IGES and AutoCAD. We have been doing such translations since 1989. The largest number of files we have done in a single batch is over 10,000. HP's ME-10 Hewlett Packard's ME-10 is a powerful two dimensional drafting program. The majority of licenses run on HP workstations - during the 1980's this included both pascal based workstations and HP's popular UNIX based 9000/300 series.
Many companies have thousands of files in ME-10 drawing format. Translation Issues A designer with several thousand ME-10 drawing files to convert is faced with several hurdles: 1. Backing up the entire drawing database - it is important to preserve the original directory names since some ME-10 drawings refer to subassemblies located in another directory. Backing up on UNIX is straightforward - however on older pascal based machines, this can be very difficult. Converting the ME-10 drawing files to a form called M - MI is an ASCII intermediate file used for translation purposes. If your hardware is old, loading each drawing and saving it as an MI file could take several minutes per drawing.
Multiply this by 1000's of files and you can see the man-months add up. Getting a complete and accurate translation - Since ME-10 has some unique features that may not exist on the target CAD system, the translator needs to be fairly sophisticated to rebuild some data items in a useful way. Of particular importance are text fonts; the fonts used by ME-10 do not match any standard AutoCAD fonts, resulting in missing dimensions, and text that does not fit into the boxes intended for it.
File, layer, and Component Naming rules - ME-10 and AutoCAD have different restrictions on naming - especially when one moves from a Pascal or UNIX environment to a DOS environment. Unless you have special tools to rename the files and to track the new names, you may have difficulty finding the needed drawings - or may even overwrite drawings. Artwork's Mass Translation Tools and Equipment Artwork has developed special tools and techniques to efficiently deal with large numbers of files. Equipment We have a network including an HP 340 workstation equipped with diskette drives and HP's proprietary 1/4 inch cartridge drive so that we can read tapes generated by the ME-10 workstations.
We have also developed special software to read older backup tapes from Pascal workstations including hard disk images. We do most of the translation work on powerful HP 700 workstations where we run ME-10 and AutoCAD. Custom Filters and Tools We've developed special programs to scan the customer's database, prior to translation and search for illegal files names - the software renames the files and produces a table that shows the old vs.