University of Peshawar Ph.D. Islamic Studies 2012 Thesis: Editing, Takhrij and Urdu Translation of Mafatih al-Ghayb(The Keys to Unknown) or Kitab al-tafsir al-kabir (The Great Commentary) By Imam Fakhr al-Din al-Razi, (544/1149-606/1209) (Part-I). Supervisor: Prof. Zia Ullah Azhari (Institute of Islamic and Arabic studies University of Peshawar) KP. Darululoom Karachi M.A. Islamic & Arabic Studies 2006 Darululoom Karachi B.A. Islamic & Arabic Studies 2004 University of Peshawar B.A.
Mafateh Jinan with Urdu Translation(complete 1571pg).pdf Uploaded by Syed Haider Abbas Zaidi Mafatih al-Jinan (Keys to Heavens) by Shaikh Abbass Qumi is a Twelver Shi'a compilation of selected chapters (surahs) from Quran, Taaqeebat e namaz (acts of worship after namaz), supplicatio. Macromedia director 8.5 crack.
Islamic Studies 2007. Juanid Akbar, 2012, a critical review of the confusions about Imam Razi’s tafsir Mafateeh ul-Ghyb, PUTAJ (Peshawar University Teachers Accosiation Journal), vol: 19, pp: 17-28, () Dr. Miraj ul islam zia and Junaid Akbar, 2010, The Islamic Legal Position on the use of D.N.A test in Hudud and Qisas Penalities, Peshawar Islamicus, vol 1: 1-14. Junaid Akbar and Sanaullah, 2013, حكم توبة شاتم الرسول - ﷺ - عند الأحناف و محاكمة بين أقوال المتقدمين والمتأخرين في هذه المسألة, al-Adhwa, vol:38, Issue: 40, pp:247-256 () Hashmat and Junaid Akbar,, al -Idha, Sheakh Zaid Islamic Center, Peshawar volume: 29, 2014, ().
Al-Tafsir al-Kabir (: التفسير الكبير, 'The Large Commentary'), also known as Mafatih al-Ghayb (: مفاتيح الغيب, 'Keys to the Unknown'), is a classical Islamic book, written by the Persian and Muhammad ibn Umar (1149–1209). The book is an and commentary on the. Originally it was named Mafatih Al-Ghayb, however it was nicknamed as Tafsir Al-Kabir. At 32 volumes, it is larger than the 28-volume tafsir of At-Tabari named Jami' Al-Bayan. It is not unusual for contemporary works to use it as a reference. One of [his] major concerns was the self-sufficiency of the intellect.
[.] [He] believed [that] proofs based on tradition ( ) could never lead to certainty ( ) but only to presumption ( zann), a key distinction in Islamic thought. [.] [However] his acknowledgement of the primacy of the Qur'an grew with his years. [.] [Al-Razi's ] undoubtedly holds an important place in the debate in the Islamic tradition on the harmonization of reason and revelation. In his later years, he also showed interest in, although this never formed a significant part of his thought. Features [ ] has written in ' Uloomu-l-Qur'an ( An Approach to the Qur'anic Sciences): Just as is the most concise and matchless exegesis from a narrative point of view so also there is no parallel to Tafsir Kabir in relation to sciences of Reason. Some people have passed a funny remark on this exegesis such as is written in Al-Itqan, 'In it, there is everything except exegesis,' But, in the opinion of, if this comment applies to any Tafsir, it describes Tafsir al-Tawahir by Tantawi.