Game Maker: Studio is a complete videogame creating tool, thanks to which its users will be able to develop complex games perfectly playable in different operating systems like Windows, Mac, iOS, Android or HTML 5. These last three, will be only available for the paid version of the application. The program has a very intuitive interface from which we will be able to manage all phases of the development of our videogame. To be able to use this program, we will of course have to use a tutorial first, but once we know all the options, developing a game will be a question of minutes. GameMaker: Studio includes a series of fundamental differences that separate it from the normal GameMaker.
Game Maker: Studio is a complete videogame creating tool, thanks to which its. GameMaker: Studio includes a series of fundamental differences that separate it from the normal GameMaker. The basis to create your own fighting games.
For example, `Studio´ includes its own physics and collisions motor (BOX2D). Although maybe the major difference between these two programs is the facility that this version has for the publication of our game in any of the many distribution platforms and operating systems that are available. GameMaker: Studio is a very complete videogame creating tool that despite the huge range of possibilities and options that it offers, it allows the creation of videogames in a simple and intuitive way.
• • • • Community ▼ • • • • • • • • • • • • Resources ▼ • • • • • • • • Other ▼ • • • • • • is software designed to make developing games easy and fun. The greatest secret never told. It features a unique 'Drag-and-Drop' system which allows non-programmers to make simple games. Additionally, experienced coders can take advantage of its built in scripting language, 'GML' to design and create fully-featured, professional grade games. Content that does not follow the is subject to deletion, so please become familiar with them. Is Knight Club made in GMS2?
If it is, I know everyone would be excited to hear about your experience. Your gamasutra article about Kerfuffle was amazing. You should absolutely do a post-mortum here. From the submission guidelines in the sidebar: [7.2] Contribute to the Community Content can be considered a contribution to the community by answering questions related to the development process of your game and your experience using GameMaker. Below are some suggested questions you may reference: What version of GameMaker were you using?
How would you describe the development process? What part of the process was most difficult for you?
How was working with GameMaker? What did you learn along the way? What insight can you give us? Which functions did you rely most heavily on? What would you change the next time around?
If you have submitted content without any GameMaker-relevant information, your post is subject to deletion. • • • • • • •.