Table of contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • Please note: You can also incorporate materials from our in these sessions Who Are You? (Ice Breaker) Time: 10 minutes Objective: to highlight similarities and differences between class /group members. This is a good ice breaker activity, especially for participants who haven’t worked together before. Materials: • Masking tape Activity: Before beginning, place two long lines of masking tape on either side of the room. Everyone stands side by side, on one side of the room. Tell the participants that they cannot speak during this activity.
Read a statement from the list below and have the participants who have experienced what you read walk to the line for a few seconds and look at the other people on the line, and then return. If space is limited, this activity may be altered to ‘Stand up if ’ Alternatively, another way to run the activity is to have all participants stand at one end of a court. Each time a statement applies to them, they take one step forward until someone reaches the other end of the court.
Download free The Game Of Life Diversity Activity. The Game of Life (or simply Life) is not a game in the conventional sense. Quizzes, class Web.
Using Board Games There are board games available that teach diversity skills; many of which are created for special learning and group interaction scenarios. The strategy of diversity board games is to have fun while teaching diversity skills to a group and analyzing reactions on topics such as race, gender equality and ethnicity. Many diversity board games consist of assessment strategies and tools for the participants to discuss after the game. There are also diversity board games that children can play, which are a fun way to teach lessons of diversity. A great exercise is to teach children how to personalize their community board game with different ethnic group neighborhoods represented as squares similar to a Monopoly board game. 5bpdf 5dthe best of yandamuri death.
Then once the board game is complete, the facilitator or teacher helps make up the rules of the board game and children can participate and gather information on the ethnic groups in the neighborhood. Trading Places There are games that focus on interethnic group tension and how cultural differences create barriers to communication. Participants 'switch sides' to take on a cultural group’s perspective and identity different from their own cultural identity.
This game is designed to increase individuals’ compassion for other cultural groups. Participants are randomly assigned an ethnic group: an African-American, Asian-American, Jewish-American or Latino-American. In these groupings, participants learn about different cultural challenges in leading a company or organization and are given scenarios to act out pertaining to racial and gender issues in the workplace. The facilitator of the game can determine how long the game can be played.