
Daloradius Manual


DaloRADIUS is an advanced RADIUS web platform aimed at managing Hotspots and general-purpose ISP deployments. It features rich user management, graphical reporting, accounting, and integrates with GoogleMaps for geo-locating (GIS). DaloRADIUS is an advanced RADIUS web management application aimed at managing hotspots and general-purpose ISP deploymen.

On this page • • • • • • Authentication, Authorization & Accounting With FreeRadius & MySQL Backend & Web Based Management with Daloradius This tutorial explains how to set up a FreeRadius 2.x server for wifi authentication, authorization and accounting in conjunction with mysql & web based management with Daloradius on CentOS 5.x. Production deployment is also possible with minor tweaking. But as usual I do not guarantee anything & take no responsibilities. (For basic how-to refer to the doc. And of-course for the faint-hearted this turn-key solution can always be employed.

First of thanks to the author for this great tutorial while it does indeed work there were a couple of caveots mainly that their is now a daloradius-0.9-8 which I changes some things ie database scheme while I was still able to get this all working on a test machine at home trying to impliment this on our dedicated server (which runs plesk and has some other vhosts) failed miserably anychance the author would update this guide and have an optional section on how to impliment this on a server that hosts other domains Much Thanks MD. The how-to seems to work OK with daloRadius 0.98 provided that you edit the 'library/daloradius.conf.php' file by hand to include the changes from the author's 'daloradius.conf' file. In particular, I found that this line needed to be edited: $configValues['CONFIG_DB_TBL_RADUSERGROUP'] = 'usergroup'; changed to $configValues['CONFIG_DB_TBL_RADUSERGROUP'] = 'radusergroup'; This also fixes a problem experience by one of the previous commentators. There are some other problems with the database schema when using the steps in this tutorial with daloRADIUS 0.98 (and I suspect also with the version of FreeRadius I'm using). I'll try to post a follow-up comment when I find all of them!

I went through this process step by step. When ran the build command (rpmbuild -bb freeradius.spec) we got 12 rpms. Installed the 4 rpms per the instructions, but instructions don't say anything about the other 8 rpms that were created.

Ealier comment was correct that the mysql command to use the radiusd database should be 'use radiusdb;' and not 'use database radiusdb;' Successfuly added a test user to users file and received accepted response from radtest against users file when running radiusd -X. Did NOT receive accepted response when running radtest for a user in the mysql database. It doesn't give enough detailed changes to configure the sql.conf file. Because could not get user in mysql database to authenticate anything after this is a waste of time because the daloradius will not work either. This was done on CentOS 5.3. Nice, writing my comment took too long, now I may do it again.

Sorry, but I got a few things to say. I'm sure it took some effort to find all this out and write it down, but somehow I doubt that the author has ever done this on Hardy, there are simply too many bugs in this howto, and following the instructions would never lead to a running system. I can't remember all my modifications, so good luck to everyone trying this, but some hints anyway: - Packages - more need to be installed, specifically build-essential, fakeroot, mysql-client-5.0, mysql-server. - libmysqlclient-dev has no installation candidate.

- Instead of 'apt-get install php php-mysql php-pear php-gd php-pear-DB' it should be 'apt-get install php5 php5-mysql php-pear php5-gd php5-db'. - MySQL - Instead of 'use database radius' it should be 'use radius'. - Freeradius - The program should be started with 'freeradius -X'. - In /etc/freeradius/users, comment out the line 'DEFAULT Auth-Type = System' and the following one if you do not plan to go mad. - misc - When copying daloradius to /var/www. Omit the trailing slash!

It should be 'cp -R daloradius-0.9-7 /var/www'. - Somehow I feel that lighty should do just fine instead of heavyweight Apache. As I said before, there may be more and I am not yet done with the setup.

Most howtos here are quite good, so I'm surprised one that never worked got through. I am very glad with this 'how to', I follow step by step and with minor changes works most of them. Hey there, I am glad that ur glad with this tutorial. Regarding ur issue. Did u downloaded & installed the modified DB schema? It is critical to all the functioning.

I don´t quite recall all of the stuff but that (using that schema) should fix things nicely. Furthermore u could debug this thing better in the sql shell. Re-run the query in dummy/expected inputs. Pinnacle studio 19 serial keys. That should clear up any issues. Live footy doctor sopcast. Again I feel its the freeradius 1.7.X --> FR 2.X schema issues that must be coughing up errors.


Daloradius Manual


DaloRADIUS is an advanced RADIUS web platform aimed at managing Hotspots and general-purpose ISP deployments. It features rich user management, graphical reporting, accounting, and integrates with GoogleMaps for geo-locating (GIS). DaloRADIUS is an advanced RADIUS web management application aimed at managing hotspots and general-purpose ISP deploymen.

On this page • • • • • • Authentication, Authorization & Accounting With FreeRadius & MySQL Backend & Web Based Management with Daloradius This tutorial explains how to set up a FreeRadius 2.x server for wifi authentication, authorization and accounting in conjunction with mysql & web based management with Daloradius on CentOS 5.x. Production deployment is also possible with minor tweaking. But as usual I do not guarantee anything & take no responsibilities. (For basic how-to refer to the doc. And of-course for the faint-hearted this turn-key solution can always be employed.

First of thanks to the author for this great tutorial while it does indeed work there were a couple of caveots mainly that their is now a daloradius-0.9-8 which I changes some things ie database scheme while I was still able to get this all working on a test machine at home trying to impliment this on our dedicated server (which runs plesk and has some other vhosts) failed miserably anychance the author would update this guide and have an optional section on how to impliment this on a server that hosts other domains Much Thanks MD. The how-to seems to work OK with daloRadius 0.98 provided that you edit the 'library/daloradius.conf.php' file by hand to include the changes from the author's 'daloradius.conf' file. In particular, I found that this line needed to be edited: $configValues['CONFIG_DB_TBL_RADUSERGROUP'] = 'usergroup'; changed to $configValues['CONFIG_DB_TBL_RADUSERGROUP'] = 'radusergroup'; This also fixes a problem experience by one of the previous commentators. There are some other problems with the database schema when using the steps in this tutorial with daloRADIUS 0.98 (and I suspect also with the version of FreeRadius I'm using). I'll try to post a follow-up comment when I find all of them!

I went through this process step by step. When ran the build command (rpmbuild -bb freeradius.spec) we got 12 rpms. Installed the 4 rpms per the instructions, but instructions don't say anything about the other 8 rpms that were created.

Ealier comment was correct that the mysql command to use the radiusd database should be 'use radiusdb;' and not 'use database radiusdb;' Successfuly added a test user to users file and received accepted response from radtest against users file when running radiusd -X. Did NOT receive accepted response when running radtest for a user in the mysql database. It doesn't give enough detailed changes to configure the sql.conf file. Because could not get user in mysql database to authenticate anything after this is a waste of time because the daloradius will not work either. This was done on CentOS 5.3. Nice, writing my comment took too long, now I may do it again.

Sorry, but I got a few things to say. I'm sure it took some effort to find all this out and write it down, but somehow I doubt that the author has ever done this on Hardy, there are simply too many bugs in this howto, and following the instructions would never lead to a running system. I can't remember all my modifications, so good luck to everyone trying this, but some hints anyway: - Packages - more need to be installed, specifically build-essential, fakeroot, mysql-client-5.0, mysql-server. - libmysqlclient-dev has no installation candidate.

- Instead of 'apt-get install php php-mysql php-pear php-gd php-pear-DB' it should be 'apt-get install php5 php5-mysql php-pear php5-gd php5-db'. - MySQL - Instead of 'use database radius' it should be 'use radius'. - Freeradius - The program should be started with 'freeradius -X'. - In /etc/freeradius/users, comment out the line 'DEFAULT Auth-Type = System' and the following one if you do not plan to go mad. - misc - When copying daloradius to /var/www. Omit the trailing slash!

It should be 'cp -R daloradius-0.9-7 /var/www'. - Somehow I feel that lighty should do just fine instead of heavyweight Apache. As I said before, there may be more and I am not yet done with the setup.

Most howtos here are quite good, so I'm surprised one that never worked got through. I am very glad with this 'how to', I follow step by step and with minor changes works most of them. Hey there, I am glad that ur glad with this tutorial. Regarding ur issue. Did u downloaded & installed the modified DB schema? It is critical to all the functioning.

I don´t quite recall all of the stuff but that (using that schema) should fix things nicely. Furthermore u could debug this thing better in the sql shell. Re-run the query in dummy/expected inputs. Pinnacle studio 19 serial keys. That should clear up any issues. Live footy doctor sopcast. Again I feel its the freeradius 1.7.X --> FR 2.X schema issues that must be coughing up errors.