AIV Editor - Loading your castle into Stronghold Crusader Save your castle and exit. Copy the.aiv castle file from the villages folder into the Stronghold Crusader/aiv folder. To get the AIV editor, open your favourite search engine and look for 'Stronghold Crusader Community Tools' or 'Stronghold Crusader Modding Tools'. Once you have downloaded those tools, you have to copy this mod's files from the./aiv/ folder into the AIV editor's villages folder. After that is done, you can start editing the AI castle files.
Posted on 03/05/18 @ 04:21 AM I'm using the AIV Editor massively to make AIs win against the wolf, but I figured out some problems: As written in the description, some lords refuse to use what you give them, but that's not important. My biggest problem at the moment is the stairs-handling. Trying to build different wall heights and connecting them by using stairs and separated castle areas, which can only be accessed by stairs are causing trouble. At the moment I am making a castle for the Emir, where his hovels, Trading Post and his unit supply buildings are separated in a second wall. I figured out that he will always tear the Engineer's Guild if it has no access to the keep, so I decided to add stairs to make the Guild accessible, but the AI just doesn't build the complete stairway and always leaves out one part of it, which is mostly the top-tile.
When building stairs in the AIV Editor I also realized a few strange things: When you build a complete stairway, the step sometimes glitches higher or parts of the village change the building order. Also the stairway always starts with the 4th part as 1st step. This is the usual way, you build stairs (in Crusader and also AIV): [W][1][2][3][4][5] but when you walk through the steps in AIV this is the building order: [W][4][3][2][1][4] Now in the game it appears like this: [W][ ][2][3][4][5] where 2 is a piece of mid-low wall. Sometimes this happens: [W][1][2][3][4][ ] Where you cannot reach the ground, because of the last missing tile.
I hope someone can explain this to me or fix the bug soon. Greets, Veldor [Edited on 03/05/18 @ 04:24 AM] Veldor.
Posted on 07/02/18 @ 07:00 AM Hi there, Veldor! Regarding the stairs bug: ALWAYS draw the mouse for placing the 5-tile stairs over and onto a 6th, empty tile before releasing the mouse button. This will cause the stairs to be built correctly. Also, in case you only want to use some particular tiles instead of the whole stairs, still place a complete staircase and afterwards simply delete any of the tiles that you do not want/need. With some care, you can create very complex or compact stairways.
A single lowest stair tile (5) next to a gate (on the inside) can be used for quick and reliable access to the gatehouse for the defender. (Full stairs can be prone to be made unusable by hostile mangonel damage.) A series of lowest stair tiles (5) could even be used to create functioning roads inside (or outside) a castle.
He is supported by Warner Bros.’ humor debilitated Vice President of Comedy, Kate Houghton, who discharges him from his agreement and teaches WB security protect/yearning stand-in DJ Drake to catch and “escort” Daffy off the studio part. All of a sudden a sidekick without a legend, the duck chooses to align himself with DJ, in any case. Looney tunes back in action full movie. Thus, Daffy is on the scene when DJ finds that his renowned film star father was Damian Drake, known for playing smooth global covert agents onscreen, is really a smooth universal government operative, in actuality – and has been grabbed by the wickedness crazy geeky, dancing miscreant known as Mr.
A (2)-height stair tile is, iirc, enough to connect low and high walls. A (row of) (4)-height stair tile is low enough for fire ballistae to shoot across, but high enough to block walking paths for units. For merging multiple moat/pitch ditch steps, you can draw with all moat/pitch ditch tools all over the map. And if you Alt+Tab out of the editor window while doing that, release the mouse button, then Alt+Tab back in, then the placed moat/pitch step will only be completed with the next released mouse click inside the editor, which means you can draw another section of pitch/moat, which will then become part of the previously drawn section (i.e.
1 step for both areas). Repeating the process several times works, too. Furthermore, you could try to create a 'mold' with anything else, leaving empty only those tiles you want to fill in 1 step with moat/pitch, then delete the 'mold' - that makes it easier to get some more complex shapes right. To some extent, molds can be useful for drawing more complex wall shapes in fewer steps as well.
For example, a perfectly-round Sultan castle wall can be built in just 1 step that way (in contrast to the 100 steps in the original castles). Regarding crashes for larger moat or pitch sections ingame or in the editor, I have not really noticed that yet.
Possibly it is a coincidence, or related to some other issue (I have heard sometimes an AIV file can get 'corrupted' by the editor, causing the game to crash while trying to build it, independent of moat-sizes). HGDL v0.7.1 Login Forum Username: Password: • • Statistics Downloads: 6,973 Favorites: [] 2 Size: 1.85 MB Added: 05/28/13 New Files • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • WARNING: DO NOT HOTLINK TO FILES Copyright © 2001–2009. The graphical images and content enclosed with this document are viewable for private use only. All other rights-including, but not limited to, distribution, duplication, and publish by any means - are retained by HeavenGames LLC. Federal law provides criminal and civil penalties for those found to be in violation.