Acupuncture books from the Eastern School of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine. (973) 746-8717 Located in Bloomfield NJ. This publication is designed to provide competent, reliable, and useful information re. Download software tulisan arab untuk komputer rakitan mangga. You have likely picked up this book because you are looking for ways to live a healthier, more balanced life. Acupuncture theory suggests that many of our physical and emo.
Acupuncture Charts Free PDF Downloads Free PDF Downloads The charts are the copyright of and may not be reproduced in whole or part without permission. The five element theory is the cornerstone of acupuncture and meridian therapy. Clearly shows the relationship of the five elements (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood). Not sure which point to treat?
This chart contains 41 Cardinal points that are specific for conditions, functions and areas of the body. Each point is mapped out, listed by condition, point name is also listed by Chinese name with detailed description of point location. 2.5 MB Detailed anatomical acupuncture point locations with cardinal points, command points and five element correspondences. Spinal anatomy, shoulder anatomy and TMJ anatomy. Free yin yang symbols for use on your website or brochures.