
Acterna E1 And Data Tester Edt-135 Manual Download Free Apps


This powerful tester includes a full set of measur ements to install, commi ssion and troubleshoot E1 and data circuits, along with the services that run over them. Installation tests require basic out-of-service Bit Error Rate (BER) testing to assess cabling integrity. Full commissioning requires extended BER test ing to inter natio nal standa rds, as well as stress te sting and complete assessment of link performance with respect to error and alarm reporting.

1 Acterna E1 and Data Testers (EST-120, EST-125, EDT-130, EDT-135) Scalable testing for digital networks The range of E1 and Data Testers provide a scalable, future-proof solution for the testing needs of engineers involved in the installation, commissioning and maintenance of digital networks. These instruments can carry out both framed and.

For successful maintenance, rapid ident ifica- tion of the current line status is c ritical to the speed y resoluti on of prob lems. Specific services (such as Frame Relay and GSM) have their own testing requirements, and require a tailored solution to ensure satis- factory operation. Features such as Autoconfigure and the 'Big OK' result screen make it easy to use with a minim um of traini ng. Quali ty of Service can be me asure d with G. 82 6 or M.2 10 0. E1 s ign al q ua li ty measurements include jit ter, level and pulse shape. Datac om int erfac e cont rol sign als can be monitored and set.

V.24 m odem t ests include dial-up, auto- answ er, dist ortio n measur emen t and BER. Other important features include round trip delay measurements on E1 and datacom circuits and E1 drop and insert. Comprehensive service testing is possible using dedicated options. The EDT -135 has been designed with the user in mind. As well as being light weight and comfortable to hold and carry, all testers feature large LCD screens with integral backlight for the most dem andin g testi ng envi ronm ents. If you wish to sel f-sup - port the tester, the integral two-position backstand/c arry handle can easily be folded out, and can also be configur ed to suspend the instrument for hands-free viewing.

T est results are displayed in a concise, graphical format with our rec ognise d 'Big OK' w hen n o err ors ar e pre sent. Mul tiple language support is standard and comprehensive alarm and error status LEDs giv e clear in dication of problems, even fr om a dista nce. And, as you 'd expe ct, all res ults da ta can be stor ed for later analysis or printed to an external printer with a single keypress. An extended bit error test will determine whether a periodic fault is cau sing p roble ms. Electr ical eq uipme nt suc h as air - conditioning may cause problems at regular times in the day. Error histograms make it possible to identify external events which can be isolated as causes of the problem. Error histograms can be indicated as a histogram on a scale of up to 60 days.

Faults in an E1 line can be caused by lo w signal, pulse distortion or jitter. If loss of signa l (LOS ) or similar a larms ar e indica ted by a net - work element, level measurement and pulse shape t ests can eas- ily be made t o determine wh ere the f ault exists in a link, by examining the signal condition. A low or distorted signal received by a network element would indicate a problem with the preceding element or the intercon- necting cables.

Exc essiv e jitter can re sult in bit erro rs, loss of frame syn chr o- nization or similar faults. Where these f aults exist, jitter m eas- urements can be performed to determine if jitter is th e cause, and also to discover at which point in the system the jitter reach- es unacceptable levels.

If you’re looking to Sell w/ 10G Transport Module JDSU T-BERD/MTS-8000 The MTS-8000 is a field-scalable optical test platform for both installation and maintenance. Based on the rich MTS-5000 heritage, the MTS8000 is the industry’s most innovative and cost-effective test solution for metro networks.

Hb smith g200 manual muscle. A single Transport Module provides an integrated solution for Ethernet, SONET, SDH, PDH, and T-carrier networks. Optical Modules allow thorough testing of short-haul, long-haul, FTTx, CWDM, and DWDM networks. Highlights Practically unlimited field modularity means that you can match any requirement for test function, size, weight, or price. Compact design starting at 3.4 kg (7.6 lb) exceeds Telcordia requirements for durability and transport. Multiple test functions are available directly on the base unit to improve productivity and free application module space.


Acterna E1 And Data Tester Edt-135 Manual Download Free Apps


This powerful tester includes a full set of measur ements to install, commi ssion and troubleshoot E1 and data circuits, along with the services that run over them. Installation tests require basic out-of-service Bit Error Rate (BER) testing to assess cabling integrity. Full commissioning requires extended BER test ing to inter natio nal standa rds, as well as stress te sting and complete assessment of link performance with respect to error and alarm reporting.

1 Acterna E1 and Data Testers (EST-120, EST-125, EDT-130, EDT-135) Scalable testing for digital networks The range of E1 and Data Testers provide a scalable, future-proof solution for the testing needs of engineers involved in the installation, commissioning and maintenance of digital networks. These instruments can carry out both framed and.

For successful maintenance, rapid ident ifica- tion of the current line status is c ritical to the speed y resoluti on of prob lems. Specific services (such as Frame Relay and GSM) have their own testing requirements, and require a tailored solution to ensure satis- factory operation. Features such as Autoconfigure and the 'Big OK' result screen make it easy to use with a minim um of traini ng. Quali ty of Service can be me asure d with G. 82 6 or M.2 10 0. E1 s ign al q ua li ty measurements include jit ter, level and pulse shape. Datac om int erfac e cont rol sign als can be monitored and set.

V.24 m odem t ests include dial-up, auto- answ er, dist ortio n measur emen t and BER. Other important features include round trip delay measurements on E1 and datacom circuits and E1 drop and insert. Comprehensive service testing is possible using dedicated options. The EDT -135 has been designed with the user in mind. As well as being light weight and comfortable to hold and carry, all testers feature large LCD screens with integral backlight for the most dem andin g testi ng envi ronm ents. If you wish to sel f-sup - port the tester, the integral two-position backstand/c arry handle can easily be folded out, and can also be configur ed to suspend the instrument for hands-free viewing.

T est results are displayed in a concise, graphical format with our rec ognise d 'Big OK' w hen n o err ors ar e pre sent. Mul tiple language support is standard and comprehensive alarm and error status LEDs giv e clear in dication of problems, even fr om a dista nce. And, as you 'd expe ct, all res ults da ta can be stor ed for later analysis or printed to an external printer with a single keypress. An extended bit error test will determine whether a periodic fault is cau sing p roble ms. Electr ical eq uipme nt suc h as air - conditioning may cause problems at regular times in the day. Error histograms make it possible to identify external events which can be isolated as causes of the problem. Error histograms can be indicated as a histogram on a scale of up to 60 days.

Faults in an E1 line can be caused by lo w signal, pulse distortion or jitter. If loss of signa l (LOS ) or similar a larms ar e indica ted by a net - work element, level measurement and pulse shape t ests can eas- ily be made t o determine wh ere the f ault exists in a link, by examining the signal condition. A low or distorted signal received by a network element would indicate a problem with the preceding element or the intercon- necting cables.

Exc essiv e jitter can re sult in bit erro rs, loss of frame syn chr o- nization or similar faults. Where these f aults exist, jitter m eas- urements can be performed to determine if jitter is th e cause, and also to discover at which point in the system the jitter reach- es unacceptable levels.

If you’re looking to Sell w/ 10G Transport Module JDSU T-BERD/MTS-8000 The MTS-8000 is a field-scalable optical test platform for both installation and maintenance. Based on the rich MTS-5000 heritage, the MTS8000 is the industry’s most innovative and cost-effective test solution for metro networks.

Hb smith g200 manual muscle. A single Transport Module provides an integrated solution for Ethernet, SONET, SDH, PDH, and T-carrier networks. Optical Modules allow thorough testing of short-haul, long-haul, FTTx, CWDM, and DWDM networks. Highlights Practically unlimited field modularity means that you can match any requirement for test function, size, weight, or price. Compact design starting at 3.4 kg (7.6 lb) exceeds Telcordia requirements for durability and transport. Multiple test functions are available directly on the base unit to improve productivity and free application module space.